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An issue has been identified that is preventing Empower software from loading on Accent devices. Read more for detailed instructions for how to fix your device. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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The Latest Technology In Eye Tracking

  Posted on Jul 21, 2021 - 9:57am

Better performance. More precise. Faster tracking. The new Look module for the Accent 1000 from PRC-Saltillo provides the latest in technology for users of eye tracking. The Accent 1000 now offers the same world-class eye tracking performance as the Accent 1400, bringing the same features and powerful configurability to a...

    News And Updates

Save The Date: Dialogue AAC 50% OFF Sale June 21-27

  Posted on May 24, 2021 - 11:09am

In honor of ALS/MND Global Day of Recognition on June 21, PRC-Saltillo’s newest iOS AAC app, Dialogue™ AAC, will be offered for 50% OFF. The sale will run June 21-27, 2021. Designed for literate individuals who require AAC, Dialogue AAC is based around a keyboard, word prediction, and quick phrases. With its ...

    News And Updates

Via Pro: Now More Flexible Than Ever

  Posted on Apr 20, 2021 - 10:22am

The new Via Pro from PRC-Saltillo combines the most powerful iOS technology with the freedom to choose the features that suit you best. Via Pro comes preloaded with your choice of LAMP Words for Life® or TouchChat with WordPower™, two of the most popular research-based AAC apps. LAMP Words for Life is PRC&rsqu...

    News And Updates

Spotlight Series: Getting To Know Jenny

  Posted on Mar 26, 2021 - 3:24pm

Reprinted with permission from CommuniCare Who is Jenny? Our relationship with Jenny began fifteen years ago or so, when we worked with her to get an updated AAC device (a Pathfinder from Prentke Romich Company). More recently, Jenny’s Pathfinder was no longer supported by the company and we needed to make the switc...


Empower Enhancements

  Posted on Mar 18, 2021 - 2:40pm

New for our Empower software for Accent® devices, enhancements to make using Empower – and your Accent – even easier to use for faster communication. Updates include: Record directly to a button. Now you can record commands, commonly-used phrases, and other shortcuts directly to a button. Create a page o...


Hanging Out Together…Online!

  Posted on Feb 11, 2021 - 1:10pm

With multiple quarantines and lockdowns, it's been a difficult year. But there's no doubt that for kids, it's been especially hard. It was a topic that weighed on Jenn Seiff's mind. Her own son, L.J., himself an AAC device user, was part of a very social group at school that spent time together at lunch. But distance learn...


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