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An issue has been identified that is preventing Empower software from loading on Accent devices. Read more for detailed instructions for how to fix your device. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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News And Updates

LAMP Words For Life Update 2.33.0 is here…read below for important information. “Include default buttons” option when creating a new page in LAMP WFL has been removed. Starting with this 2.33.0 release, support is discontinued for iOS 11. Why? With every release, we ensure that new features can be...

    News And Updates   -  LAMP, lamp, lamp app, words for life app, aac...

Empower Enhancements: List-o-Matic!

  Posted on Sep 27, 2021 - 4:28pm

Haven’t upgraded your Accent device to Empower 1.12 yet? You could be missing out on some great new features! List-o-Matic List-o-Matic is a fun new way to create one button that executes a list, either in order, or at random. Use it to create: A random dice roll Your own Mad Libs Magic 8 Ball Jokes List-o...

    News And Updates   -  prc, empower, listomatic, list o matic, sgd l...

Introducing: Tamira!

  Posted on Sep 27, 2021 - 4:10pm

Tamira, an African-American Adult Female voice, is the latest addition to voices available from PRC-Saltillo. Your Voice Is Important Created in conjunction with Acapela Group, Tamira is the first of four African-American voices that will be coming to PRC-Saltillo products. Every AAC communicator should be able to communi...

    News And Updates   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communicati...

New And Improved App Websites From PRC-Saltillo

  Posted on Sep 15, 2021 - 3:59pm

Now, learning about your favorite AAC apps is easier than ever, the former site for the LAMP Words for Life app, now hosts all three of PRC-Saltillo’s industry-leading AAC apps: LAMP Words for Life TouchChat Dialogue AAC Visit these sites today and learn what makes these popular, research-based la...

    News And Updates   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communicati...

The Latest Technology In Eye Tracking

  Posted on Jul 21, 2021 - 9:57am

Better performance. More precise. Faster tracking. The new Look module for the Accent 1000 from PRC-Saltillo provides the latest in technology for users of eye tracking. The Accent 1000 now offers the same world-class eye tracking performance as the Accent 1400, bringing the same features and powerful configurability to a...

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Save The Date: Dialogue AAC 50% OFF Sale June 21-27

  Posted on May 24, 2021 - 11:09am

In honor of ALS/MND Global Day of Recognition on June 21, PRC-Saltillo’s newest iOS AAC app, Dialogue™ AAC, will be offered for 50% OFF. The sale will run June 21-27, 2021. Designed for literate individuals who require AAC, Dialogue AAC is based around a keyboard, word prediction, and quick phrases. With its ...

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