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Rett Syndrome Does Not Define Her

  Posted on Oct 17, 2019 - 3:35pm

My name is McKenzie Tuckson. I am a fashion-forward and intelligent 16 year-old varsity cheerleader,  Ambassador of Nashville public schools, Vice President of my junior class and student advocate for the state of Tennessee. l live with Rett Syndrome, but it does not define me. I enjoy attending classes at Whites Creek...


Standardized Assessment In AAC Evaluations

  Posted on Sep 30, 2019 - 11:09am

— by Beth Studdiford Standardized Assessment is defined on the ASHA website as an empirically developed evaluation tool with established reliability and validity. Formal testing may be useful for assessing the structure and form of language, but may not provide an accurate assessment of an individual's use of languag...

    Blog   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communicati...

Introducing: Engage

  Posted on Sep 16, 2019 - 12:16pm

Introducing Engage! Designed for the emerging users of AAC, Engage™ helps those using eye tracking (or eyegaze) technology to facilitate growth through simple explorative and interactive activities. Start simple…and build Engage provides an array of interactive activities and communication displays. Entirely...

    Blog   -  aac, alternative and augmentative communicati...

You Can't Slow This Girl Down!

  Posted on Jul 3, 2019 - 11:15am

Kyleigh Kramlich, 17, has competed in close to two dozen marathons and half-marathons, and is getting set to compete in the Atlanta, Georgia area Peachtree Road Race this holiday weekend. She is the daughter of PRC-Saltillo’s own Kristine Kramlich, a regional consultant for PRC in the northern part of the state. Kyl...


Establishing Medical Necessity In Your SGD Report

  Posted on May 15, 2019 - 11:08am

Establishing the medical necessity of an SGD for your client is the primary goal of your SGD evaluation report and it can be a daunting task. What are medically based funding sources looking for in SGD evaluation reports that will satisfy this requirement of establishing medical necessity? Make the path to proving medical n...


Raise A Glass Against Rett

  Posted on Oct 17, 2018 - 10:47am

“Here’s my new mission. Here’s my new battle.” For Samantha Brant, the diagnosis of Rett Syndrome for her 3-1/2 year-old daughter, Macy, came as a complete surprise. But once she came to grips with it, she determined to fight back – and in a big way. In honor of her daughter and for all the ...


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