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An issue has been identified that is preventing Empower software from loading on Accent devices. Read more for detailed instructions for how to fix your device. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

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Take a few moments to update your TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life® and Dialogue® AAC apps to the newest 2.38 version and enjoy the latest these popular apps have to offer.  All English and Spanish Acapela Voices for Adults and Kids Now Free Now available in the following versions of the TouchChat app: Cla...

    Blog   -  touchchat, update, software update, touchchat...

Take a few moments to update your Accent device with the newest 1.16 version of Empower to experience its latest features! This easy-to-use software is made even better with these helpful updates.  Exciting New Empower 1.16 Features: It’s even easier to calibrate NuPoint head tracking with a new centered curs...

    Blog   -  empower, nuvoice, update, software update, ac...

In Loving Memory Of Jane Odom

  Posted on Jul 22, 2022 - 9:27am

Forever in Our Hearts as a Friend, Colleague, and Champion for the AAC Community  Passionate. Joyful. Artistic. Fun. Caring. These are just some of the words that are consistently top of mind for Jane’s closest friends and colleagues as they reflect on her life and legacy. Words somehow don’t seem sufficie...

    Blog   -  jane odom, aac language lab

Be sure to update your Accent device with the newest 1.15 version of Empower to take advantage of the latest features that make this easy-to-use, intuitive software better than ever!  Exciting New Empower 1.15 Features: Entire keyboard will now change to reflect the use of shift and caps lock, helping user visually...

    Blog   -  empower, update, software update, accent, acc...

Introducing A New Way To Learn!

  Posted on Apr 25, 2022 - 2:52pm

Experience PRC-Saltillo’s new AAC Learning Journey website and discover a great variety of resources including eLearning classes and live online instructor-led trainings. From parents looking for ways to help their augmentative communicator to clinicians, educators and other professionals committed to expanding their ...

    Blog   -  aac learning journey, learning portal, elearn...

Accent® Software Updates Are Here!

  Posted on Feb 24, 2022 - 1:20pm

It’s time to update your Accent device to the newest software version – Empower 1.14 or NuVoice 2.24. Here are some of the cool new features you’ll find in the latest updates: Accent with Empower 1.14 Add a delay between button actions When user adds a new word to a vocabulary, it automatically gets a...

    Blog   -  empower, nuvoice, update, software update, ac...

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